Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Analisis tugas bahasa Inggris softskill

A. 1. WRONG In the morning after the concert was tired.
         In the morning after the concert Andre was tired
                                                            S        Verb

B. 2. TRUE . The doctor gave the patient a prescription
       We dont need to add or remove a word from that sentence, because it has subject and verb as the main contenct to be sentence.

       The doctor  gave the patient a prescription 
          Subject    Verb

C. 1. Mark Twain                    the years after the Civil War the 'Gilded Age'.
           subject           verb

        A.  called         B. he called         C. calling         D. his calls
      I choose A.    called as the correct answer, because i just need a verb to fill in the blank on this sentence.  so i cant select B. He called because it has He, i dont need another subject.
c. calling  i think this sentence is happen in the past, i dont need a verb in present continuous tense.
d.  his calls  this option means the calls is belong to him.while this sentence mean is Mark Twain memanggil tahun setelah perang sipil dengan Gilded Age, its corectly macthing with called not with D option.

Sorry for disturbing you with my horrible english ;P

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